dchase Weblog Archives

Productive Innovation

The problem isn't figuring out how to get people to become more "innovative"; it's figuring out how to get people to accept and apply innovations more productively
--Michael Schrage, Technology Review, January/February 2002

My first ideas for adaptive development really began to gel after reading Schrage's "Serious Play." His column should provide an interesting regular read.

Posted by Dick at 11:24 AM

Is P2P KM and DW's breakout technology?

P2P (Peer to Peer technology like napster) may prove a genuine breakthrough in the use of technology in knowledge management efforts. A fundamental problem with computing and knowledge management has always been that people either flat out don't want to share information ("I'm important because I have control over this information") or have no real incentive to share information ("I've got enough to do without filling out more forms"). No technology can change such fundamental social attitudes, yet collaborative technologies have always expected that such issues can be minimized, if not overcome. In a sense, they could if an organization had everyone work with a common data repository (eg dumb terminals on a mainframe), allowing all data to be indexed, mined or what have you. But, that has been well proven a highly inefficient use of computing resources in terms or ad-hoc business operations (about 90% of the activity in any business), and something that business users (be they individuals or departments) have, for good reason, rebelled against. Server based collaborative technologies (e.g. Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange or Intraspect and eRoom) address the problem by accepting that only a subset of an organization's information can be maintained in a central repository and focus on making that repository as efficient and accessible as possible. P2P collaborative technologies (e.g. NextPage), however, have the potential to walk right over the limitations of centralized computing cycles and storage. With P2P it is feasible that all organizational information is available for indexing and mining, regardless of the social proclivities of individuals, and that the computing power needed to do this can be efficiently distributed throughout the organization. Given this, might not P2P, (think XML here too), allow for more efficient and encompassing data warehousing within an organization too?
Posted by Dick at 02:55 PM


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