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Wisdom Management™

Is Wisdom Management™ the future of Knowledge Management? Michael Schrage thinks so, and so should you. Of course, the really scary thing is that some people actually take this joke seriously! Knowledge management is really the core competency of any business. As Schrage points out in the Computerworld article, "organizations aren't prepared to pay a premium for a methodology that they feel they should be doing anyway." And, in another article, "The real value of information technology lies less in knowledge than with the communities it creates. The most important thing in an organization is not knowledge, but the relationships it has with its workers and customers," [Schrage] said. "Which is better: to invest $1 million in a database system that's supposed to capture knowledge or to invest the million in building better relationships with customers and workers?"
Posted by Dick on Dec 13, 2001 @ 10:37 AM

Hellow Michael Schrage,

I am in agreement with your views. And the term Wisdom Management is quite fascinating to hear. Will you please elaborate the same a bit more?

I am dying to get your response

Posted by adibabu at January 23, 2003 01:33 AM

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